Saturday, October 31, 2009


I got up somewhat early for a Saturday, hung out with my mom while taking the dog to the vet. I've eaten a decent amount, but now that its getting on the later side of lunch, I can't find anything that sounds good and I'm starting to get a headache. I called my sister in law and was asking her what things I could cook. She gave me some suggestions and also told me if I didn't eat enough meat (which I haven't because it just sounds...gross) that I'm probably low on iron and feeling those effects too, which is tiredness.
And yeah, I just want to curl up and take a nap. I know if I lay down or even recline and watch tv I won't want to get up again and I'll likely feel worse especially if I don't eat more first.
So I'm now getting cranky, because I really am tired, but I'm trying to keep myself moving until I find something to eat.
Wow, life is a little bit pathetic right now...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 10 and counting...

As a recommendation from my mom, I started reading my cousin Cindy's blog just a few nights ago. She started when she first found out she was pregnant. I read some entries to Nathan, because I started telling him "See, I'm not the only one??!" Then he asked me if *I* had journaled any about our pregnancy., I'm pretty much just trying to survive.
So 2 days later, I have finally gotten inspired. I'll try to background story (hopefully short and sweet)
We found out we were pregnant on an early Monday morning. Week 5. I wanted to tell everyone, but I kept it quiet all day. Called and set up my first prenatal appointment for 2 weeks later (they didn't want to see me before 6 weeks) I promptly got sick the next morning...and the next morning....
Well, I missed work that Wednesday and again Friday....So I told my principal that Friday. Also, when I was home Wednesday, my wonderful mother came to stay with me. (Because I called her crying saying "Mommy, please come take care of me") And when she came over, there was a mix-up of what was said and well, she found out. So yey, I needed to share that with my mom anyway. :-)
A week later was one of my good friend's birthdays and because she'd been wanting us to get pregnant (why, she lives in St Louis? but she loves kids) we decided we'd tell her our news as a present :-)
So week 7 I go to the first prenatal appointment. After the what not to eat and what not to do and what to do speech, they asked to schedule an ultrasound for the end of the week. Well, I know I'm not that sentimental anyway, but I had to get a sub (after being sick for a day and a half already) to go to the doctor that day and miss work and they wanted to schedule the appointment so my husband could be there and he would have to miss work and then they had me worried because I said I'd been having some cramps and they said that wasn't normal (though it really was...) Soooo, I asked why I couldn't just do it that day, I was already there, right? I called Nathan to make sure he was ok with that, don't worry ladies, he had his chance to say he wanted to be there. But he was ok with it and so I got to see my baby just 2 weeks after I realized I was having one! It was pretty neat to see the flicker of the heartbeat on the screen and to hear it also. I came home with 2 pictures of a white blob to show everyone (though again, I'm not sentimental and so I wasn't posting them on the internet for everyone to see because, well, it was a white blob...) A few have gotten excited about the picture, but probably only because they were really just excited that we were having a little one.
Ok, so at the end of that week was Nathan's suprise 30th birthday party! With all his family in town and my parents over and a few close friends (including the fly ins from St Louis and California!) Well, luckily Nathan got the brilliant idea of using the time to tell everyone our news! (I'd secretly been hoping that he would think of that for 2 weeks when he kept telling me we were waiting till Thanksgiving to tell the family) So he blew out his candles, thanked everyone for being there and said "And our surprise to YOU is that we're having a baby!" Well, everyone was excited and saying congratulations, so it was a nice party and celebratory time.
Week 8 I announced it to the other teachers at work and then slowly my students started finding out as well. Perhaps one day I'll post on their comments, however today ... well, it was a long day at school, so we'll pass...
Mostly things are uneventful. The cleanliness of our house has been....less than spectacular. I have gotten MUCH lazier. When school started, I don't think I turned on the tv for weeks. Well, here comes baby and getting sick and suddenly my entire evening is feet propped, reclining on the couch in front of the tv. Becker is on from 4:30-6, Cosby show is 5:30-6:30 and Wheel of Fortune is at 6:30...Then I have to figure out what day it is and what I can stand after that...and Nathan comes home then and sometimes turns it to sports.
I have cooked about 4 times in 4 weeks. Well, make that 5, I have done SO well the last 3 days! Tuesday I cooked "Viola" which you put in the skillet for 10 minutes. Wednesday night I cooked frozen pizza and then told Nathan he couldn't have the other half, because I wanted it for lunch... And tonight I cooked taco meat, however like most times I cook (and why I don't usually) is that after it was done, I didn't want to eat it.
So fast food has been a life saver. Literally. I want to eat on my way home from school (about 4:30) and only about 1 thing from 1 restaurant sounds good. SO I get it and hope that I eat at least half a real meal. And that is how I have survived the first 5 weeks of pregnancy. Cindy summed it up well. You don't necessarily feel nauseous, but you just feel "gross". I don't want to eat, I don't want to do anything, I just want to sit and be miserable. Well, I don't *want* to be miserable, but I am.
So I think the first trimester is about surviving. Eating enough to not lose (much) weight and trying to not throw up more than once a day. After the first week and a half, I haven't thrown up. Gagged a few times, but not thrown up.
Oh, and though the first 2 weeks, it was morning sickness..but now, now its evening sickness. I do fine getting up (if I am careful and slow) and then the day goes pretty well, but by 5 or 6 pm...I'm done. No more food, no more work, no more doing. Some days are better than others, and if I eat enough and keep busy, I'm good till 9, but some days I lose the battle at 5.
The last 2 days seem to be better, but I'm very cautious. I can have a few good days in a row and then I'm back to "gross" all day.

Well that's enough update for today. And Nathan is home and wants to chat about all that is going on in the world... ;-)