So I am making my own baby food today. I have done a little before - mostly because I had a whole bunch of home-grown pears and I couldn't eat them all fast enough. But now I'm getting into it.
So today I bought (for baby food making) organic apples, organic pears, bananas, organic squash, organic carrots and sweet potatos.
How did I decide which to buy organic...mostly from this article:
though I do plan to read more.
Cost of organic jar of 4 oz baby food (and they were on sale today: $.89)
Cost of carrots - $2.19 and the bag made approximately 20 oz or 5 jars and amounts to a savings of $2.26
Cost of apples - $1.94 and the 3 I bought made approximately 14 oz or 3.5 jars and amounts to a savings of $1.17
I have yet to do the may wait till tomorrow. I got these done (and ate lunch) during Sam's mid-day nap!
The baby carrots were already washed and peeled, though I did wash again then I boiled. With some of the boiled water I pureed them with my magic bullet. (I'm sure a blender would work too, but the bullet is smaller for cleaning)
The apples I peeled with a vegetable peeler (because I'm really bad skinning with a knife) then cut into pieces and steamed. I added a little water and pureed these too.
Then pour into ice cube trays and freeze. I think it would last a few days in the fridge also, but I never know how fast Sam will eat it. Plus I also still have a bunch of jars that I bought recently and I like to give her variety every day.
I prefer to defrost in hot/boiling water (be sure to use a safe glass container like a measuring cup - I broke one of our glasses using it...) because I think the microwave could damage some of the nutrients, but the microwave will work too and be a little bit faster.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Card 2010
Dazzle And Shine Christmas 5x7 folded card
Create modern Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Holiday Card Bargain - Just Do It!
So I guess I'm a little behind because I have yet to get Christmas cards. And yes, two of my sister-in-laws shamed me when I got their cards in the mail Tuesday! The past few years it seems more and more people are sending photo cards and I absolutely love it. I love seeing everyone's families growing and what they've been up to during the year. Its so fun!
So shutterfly is making it easy for bloggers to get Christmas cards this year with their awesome giveaway:.
They have quite a card collection so I'm sure you'll find the perfect one for your family. Check out their Christmas cards.
I personally like this one:

Also, if you're quite behind like me, you could always do a New Year's Card or a photo calendar
They definitely have good prices compared to lots of other places and if you sign up for their emails, you'll get some good promotions and discounts.
I got started with Shutterfly over 3 years ago after my wedding. So many photos and never enough time to do a scrapbook. So I added them to Shutterfly and got photobooks! Also, it was really easy to get 3 copies to give to the parents of the bride and groom. And they loved it too.
The photographer we just used uploaded the pictures to shutterfly before she got the CD to us. An easy and private way to display our pictures and right there already loaded for printing. I'm definitely excited for that and might just have to do another photobook! (Especially right now since its buy one, get the next one 50% off) That's all I've used for Sam's "baby book" because I'm just a lazy mom - or should I say techinically developed! Its all just so easy to do and so easy to personalize and have it come out just right. :-)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Its been over 6 months...
It's been more than 6 months since...
*I've slept all night
*I've had a clean shirt at the end of the day
*I've cooked dinner with both hands
But I do enjoy my little girl!!
She is sitting up all on her own, crawling backwards and army-style crawling forwards! She will go especially fast when you put down something she shouldn't a phone. :-)
*I've slept all night
*I've had a clean shirt at the end of the day
*I've cooked dinner with both hands
But I do enjoy my little girl!!
She is sitting up all on her own, crawling backwards and army-style crawling forwards! She will go especially fast when you put down something she shouldn't a phone. :-)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
5 months and counting
So I haven't posted a lot and this will be fairly uninteresting, but I thought I'd take a minute to comment on Sam's sleeping. I keep asking my mom questions about when I did what and she says "I dunno, I'd have to look at your baby book" Well, being the bad mom I am, I don't have a baby book for Sam, sooo, I thought I'd post here before I forget.
On sleeping. I remember the first night she went more than 5 hours (or so) was the night after my brother's wedding. She slept straight through 8 hours and I kept checking on her in the last 2 hours to make sure she was ok!! It was a tiring evening for her, so I can imagine she was exhausted! That was at 6-7 weeks of age. The 8 hours didn't happen again for a couple more weeks.
Somewhere between 3-4 months, she started regularly sleeping 8 hours, on occasion 10 hours. Of course, when she went to bed at 7pm, getting up somewhere between 2-5am was still the middle of the night for me. Her pediatrician thought this was great though, so I didn't push to have her sleep 12 hours.
She regressed right after 4 months and started waking up all the time in the middle of the night and needing to be fed at least twice just so she'd go back to sleep. I thought at first it was traveling, then maybe a growth spurt. I think now it was because I had started nursing her to sleep even at nap time (because although she was sleeping well at night, naps weren't going well) Nursing her to sleep got her to take fairly good naps, but I think it messed her up during the night. After 3 weeks of getting up with her 4-6 times and feeding at least twice in the night, we started letting her cry at nap time and I did my best not to let her fall asleep while nursing (during the day) It cured the night time wake ups within a few days. Thank goodness. Because I was so tired and irritated that she was about to be an only child forever.
So at 5 months she made her first real all-nighter by sleeping 12 hours. She has now done this twice, I think and I'm really hoping we're getting closer to this being a regular thing. She takes 2-3 naps during the day, depending on how long they are. Usually she gets pretty fussy by 6pm, but I start cereal then and bath time and nursing and she can usually make it right to 7pm before she falls asleep. I think it has been 2 weeks since she was up past 7:15pm.
Today was beautiful for sleeping. I laid her in bed for nap #1 and she cried a few minutes, I put her paci back in her mouth and she fell asleep. Nap #2 she fussed about 30 seconds and put herself to sleep. And bedtime she was a little awake and fussed once and went to sleep on her own. New trend?? I sure hope so!
Most told me letting them cry it out worked after 3-4 days. I have been doing it somewhat consistantly at nap time and not consistantly at night (because she mostly falls asleep at the end of nursing) for about 3 weeks. This is because I'm a pushover and I don't like her to cry too much. I never let her go the alloted 5 minutes (usually its 2-3 minutes) And she still pretty much needs her pacifier to fall asleep. I also am not a wonderful scheduler and when we're out or we have people over or we're at someone's house....she's a little off and I don't usually let her cry. Or she's so tired watching people in the store that she falls asleep in the car on the way home and the schedule is off.
But what I did worked for me. I don't mind that it has taken 3 weeks for her to fall asleep without crying at all. I like how I did it and it fits my schedule. I hope it starts working more often and she cries less.
We are also (finally) slowly transitioning her to her own room. We tried in the midst of the 3 weeks of wakeful nights and thought that was also a contributing factor. We are being better now and going slowly (nap time but not night time) and I hope that it helps.
I write this all so that I remember for next time that things don't work like a book (unless maybe you are as strict as the book) and that some things do work better than others. I vow not to nurse the next one to sleep (at least not every nap time) and I hope to let them cry a little more than I let Sam cry at first. And the next one will come with their own personality unique with his/her setbacks and wonderful milestones.
I also want to work harder to enjoy every age. Now that Sam is sleeping better, she is so much more joyful during the day, she grins ALL the time and laughs pretty often. She is beautifully and wonderfully made.
Thank you Lord for a gorgeous, joyful daughter!
On sleeping. I remember the first night she went more than 5 hours (or so) was the night after my brother's wedding. She slept straight through 8 hours and I kept checking on her in the last 2 hours to make sure she was ok!! It was a tiring evening for her, so I can imagine she was exhausted! That was at 6-7 weeks of age. The 8 hours didn't happen again for a couple more weeks.
Somewhere between 3-4 months, she started regularly sleeping 8 hours, on occasion 10 hours. Of course, when she went to bed at 7pm, getting up somewhere between 2-5am was still the middle of the night for me. Her pediatrician thought this was great though, so I didn't push to have her sleep 12 hours.
She regressed right after 4 months and started waking up all the time in the middle of the night and needing to be fed at least twice just so she'd go back to sleep. I thought at first it was traveling, then maybe a growth spurt. I think now it was because I had started nursing her to sleep even at nap time (because although she was sleeping well at night, naps weren't going well) Nursing her to sleep got her to take fairly good naps, but I think it messed her up during the night. After 3 weeks of getting up with her 4-6 times and feeding at least twice in the night, we started letting her cry at nap time and I did my best not to let her fall asleep while nursing (during the day) It cured the night time wake ups within a few days. Thank goodness. Because I was so tired and irritated that she was about to be an only child forever.
So at 5 months she made her first real all-nighter by sleeping 12 hours. She has now done this twice, I think and I'm really hoping we're getting closer to this being a regular thing. She takes 2-3 naps during the day, depending on how long they are. Usually she gets pretty fussy by 6pm, but I start cereal then and bath time and nursing and she can usually make it right to 7pm before she falls asleep. I think it has been 2 weeks since she was up past 7:15pm.
Today was beautiful for sleeping. I laid her in bed for nap #1 and she cried a few minutes, I put her paci back in her mouth and she fell asleep. Nap #2 she fussed about 30 seconds and put herself to sleep. And bedtime she was a little awake and fussed once and went to sleep on her own. New trend?? I sure hope so!
Most told me letting them cry it out worked after 3-4 days. I have been doing it somewhat consistantly at nap time and not consistantly at night (because she mostly falls asleep at the end of nursing) for about 3 weeks. This is because I'm a pushover and I don't like her to cry too much. I never let her go the alloted 5 minutes (usually its 2-3 minutes) And she still pretty much needs her pacifier to fall asleep. I also am not a wonderful scheduler and when we're out or we have people over or we're at someone's house....she's a little off and I don't usually let her cry. Or she's so tired watching people in the store that she falls asleep in the car on the way home and the schedule is off.
But what I did worked for me. I don't mind that it has taken 3 weeks for her to fall asleep without crying at all. I like how I did it and it fits my schedule. I hope it starts working more often and she cries less.
We are also (finally) slowly transitioning her to her own room. We tried in the midst of the 3 weeks of wakeful nights and thought that was also a contributing factor. We are being better now and going slowly (nap time but not night time) and I hope that it helps.
I write this all so that I remember for next time that things don't work like a book (unless maybe you are as strict as the book) and that some things do work better than others. I vow not to nurse the next one to sleep (at least not every nap time) and I hope to let them cry a little more than I let Sam cry at first. And the next one will come with their own personality unique with his/her setbacks and wonderful milestones.
I also want to work harder to enjoy every age. Now that Sam is sleeping better, she is so much more joyful during the day, she grins ALL the time and laughs pretty often. She is beautifully and wonderfully made.
Thank you Lord for a gorgeous, joyful daughter!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
5 months
Things did get better soon after that post. Then they went a little sour and now they are better again.
We at least have a morning routine. From there its kinda hit and miss. Sam takes 2 or 3 naps a day, at least 45 minutes sometimes as long as 2 hours (those are my lucky days)
She stays entertained alone for a little while and I'm able to get things done around the house and also to sew!
I am trying hard to get a business going. I need to be able to advertise better so I can get customers. But the products are coming and I'm getting to actually use some things myself with Samantha. I'm very excited that I'm working on 2 different quilts. I hope to have them finished soon, especially with my mom in town next week :-)
We've traveled so much of October, I'm sure that's why Sam doesn't have as much of a routine as I'd like. She also slept 12 hours the other night without feeding, but that only happened once. She has often gone 8-10 hours, but since she goes to bed at 7pm, I like the 12 hour stretch the best! I'm hoping that now that we won't be traveling till Christmas (except maaaaybe one weekend) we'll be able to enforce her schedule and she'll get back to that 12 hour night. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll get 8 hours of consecutive sleep. Oh that'll be the day!!
We at least have a morning routine. From there its kinda hit and miss. Sam takes 2 or 3 naps a day, at least 45 minutes sometimes as long as 2 hours (those are my lucky days)
She stays entertained alone for a little while and I'm able to get things done around the house and also to sew!
I am trying hard to get a business going. I need to be able to advertise better so I can get customers. But the products are coming and I'm getting to actually use some things myself with Samantha. I'm very excited that I'm working on 2 different quilts. I hope to have them finished soon, especially with my mom in town next week :-)
We've traveled so much of October, I'm sure that's why Sam doesn't have as much of a routine as I'd like. She also slept 12 hours the other night without feeding, but that only happened once. She has often gone 8-10 hours, but since she goes to bed at 7pm, I like the 12 hour stretch the best! I'm hoping that now that we won't be traveling till Christmas (except maaaaybe one weekend) we'll be able to enforce her schedule and she'll get back to that 12 hour night. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll get 8 hours of consecutive sleep. Oh that'll be the day!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Still crying...
So I heard that around 3 months things are supposed to turn around and babies don't cry as much....
3 months and one week: I'm still waiting.
In fact this past week she's been even worse. Our day is pretty much this: Wake up, eat, happy!, sleep, scream, eat, scream, eat, scream, maybe sleep, scream, eat, scream, eat, scream, sleep.
Ok, those are maybe only the worst days. But still, better days are still not pleasant. It is very wearing.
3 months and one week: I'm still waiting.
In fact this past week she's been even worse. Our day is pretty much this: Wake up, eat, happy!, sleep, scream, eat, scream, eat, scream, maybe sleep, scream, eat, scream, eat, scream, sleep.
Ok, those are maybe only the worst days. But still, better days are still not pleasant. It is very wearing.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Diaper Decisions...
So I had recommendations about which brand of diapers to use but in the beginning I thought "Does it really matter?"
Answer: YES
Different kids fit differently, but here is my take.
I have a little girl with (sorry this gets descriptive) runny, explosive bowel movements. Meaning it is very important to have the right diaper fit.
Huggies has one kinda with a little pocket in the back. They're most expensive version, but it held in her poop most of the time. I have really liked Pampers babydry (not the newest swaddlers, meaning they're a little cheaper) but I was still looking for a cheaper version. Its hard to know if store brands will hold up.
Well, I had recommendations to try Targets store brand and never try Walmarts. So I got the Target brand and have been very disappointed. Just about every poop comes out the leg. Somehow it doesn't fit my chubby-theighed, small bottom girl right.
I liked the Albertson's store brand fairly well, however that was just once while visiting my parents, since I don't have one around where I live.
My final conclusion was Luvs. They appear on the inside just like the Pampers BabyDry, but cheaper! The difference is that Pampers seem a little softer on the outside while Luvs have a little bit of a plasitc feel.
I must also say, just keep going up in size! She was leaking through newborn size like a pro. I moved her up to size 1 at 2 weeks and that was probably 1 week too late. She was out of size 1 around 1 1/2 months. However, size 2 have kept her contained for awhile now. And they finally actually fit. Probably about time to move up a size, haha!
Answer: YES
Different kids fit differently, but here is my take.
I have a little girl with (sorry this gets descriptive) runny, explosive bowel movements. Meaning it is very important to have the right diaper fit.
Huggies has one kinda with a little pocket in the back. They're most expensive version, but it held in her poop most of the time. I have really liked Pampers babydry (not the newest swaddlers, meaning they're a little cheaper) but I was still looking for a cheaper version. Its hard to know if store brands will hold up.
Well, I had recommendations to try Targets store brand and never try Walmarts. So I got the Target brand and have been very disappointed. Just about every poop comes out the leg. Somehow it doesn't fit my chubby-theighed, small bottom girl right.
I liked the Albertson's store brand fairly well, however that was just once while visiting my parents, since I don't have one around where I live.
My final conclusion was Luvs. They appear on the inside just like the Pampers BabyDry, but cheaper! The difference is that Pampers seem a little softer on the outside while Luvs have a little bit of a plasitc feel.
I must also say, just keep going up in size! She was leaking through newborn size like a pro. I moved her up to size 1 at 2 weeks and that was probably 1 week too late. She was out of size 1 around 1 1/2 months. However, size 2 have kept her contained for awhile now. And they finally actually fit. Probably about time to move up a size, haha!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Growth Spurt
Sam must be having a growth spurt. Shes about a week and a half from her 3 month mark, so I guess this is it.
She has eaten 5 times already today plus twice in the middle of the night (when she had been down to just once) and its only 4:30. She'll likely eat 2 more times before bed and then middle of the night again (or twice!)
She has eaten 5 times already today plus twice in the middle of the night (when she had been down to just once) and its only 4:30. She'll likely eat 2 more times before bed and then middle of the night again (or twice!)
Monday, August 9, 2010
My baby naps!
I gave up on the cry it out because I wasn't ready to do it. But I did discover that my child is sleepy when she's fussy, we can get a routine going and she LOVES her paci.
So she gets fussy, I go through the naptime routine, prop her paci in her mouth and she sleeps in her bed 3-4 naps a day.
And now I can get things done at home!
In fact, by nap #4, sometimes I'm bored :-)
So she gets fussy, I go through the naptime routine, prop her paci in her mouth and she sleeps in her bed 3-4 naps a day.
And now I can get things done at home!
In fact, by nap #4, sometimes I'm bored :-)
Don't you wish...
Don't you wish that..
*Money really did grow on trees (and that I had a green thumb)
*You always had the right answer
*Children never cried
*Doing the right thing was easy
*Protecting the innocent didn't invade other's freedom
*Money really did grow on trees (and that I had a green thumb)
*You always had the right answer
*Children never cried
*Doing the right thing was easy
*Protecting the innocent didn't invade other's freedom
Monday, August 2, 2010
So we're working on Samantha's sleeping skills. I think it was partially my fault, but a few weeks ago I realized I was quite irritated during the day because Sam would only sleep in my arms. She'd fall asleep there, I'd try to lay her down, I'd stay and pat and shush and she was asleep. So I thought. And then I'd walk out of the room only to find she'd wake up after a few minutes. It was wearing on me and she wasn't getting adequate naps because I was always trying to put her down and she would wake up quickly. Or I'd give in and let her sleep on my chest but then something would happen - phone, doorbell, dog, etc and I'd get up and she'd wake up and wouldn't settle back down.
So I should have started a better routine awhile ago and then maybe right now she'd be a great napper. But we're starting this week and in an effort to get her routine in place, I'm not doing much of anything else. Don't want to leave the house because I might stay out too long, she'd fall asleep in the car and that's not how the routine should work.
I know there are many theories out there, but I think what I'm trying will work for me. And already she slept wonderfully last night because she got a good late afternoon nap (ok it was later than it should have been and was an early evening nap) But bedtime was only about half an hour later than it usually is.
So hopefully this goes well and whether it was me not having a good routine or her not learning to sleep right, at the end of the week I'll let you know if I have a better sleeper on my hands.
So I should have started a better routine awhile ago and then maybe right now she'd be a great napper. But we're starting this week and in an effort to get her routine in place, I'm not doing much of anything else. Don't want to leave the house because I might stay out too long, she'd fall asleep in the car and that's not how the routine should work.
I know there are many theories out there, but I think what I'm trying will work for me. And already she slept wonderfully last night because she got a good late afternoon nap (ok it was later than it should have been and was an early evening nap) But bedtime was only about half an hour later than it usually is.
So hopefully this goes well and whether it was me not having a good routine or her not learning to sleep right, at the end of the week I'll let you know if I have a better sleeper on my hands.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Wonderful pictures
So here are the professional photos that I wasn't sure I wanted done. So glad we did them - they are wonderful!

A little cross-eyed, but a pretty good picture of Samantha awake.

Her cute yawn!

Our first real family photo.
The last 2 should win awards! And I loved using the new (old
) rocker and the beautifully handmade cradle!
) rocker and the beautifully handmade cradle!
Monday, May 31, 2010
After Week 1
So I made it through a whole week at home and I should say - this weekend things have really started to seem better. Maybe its a little more sleep, maybe Samantha is actually getting on a kinda schedule, or maybe I'm just getting used to it, but things definitely look up after the last 2 days.
Samantha had her first photo shoot today. I was a little hesitant, I guess I thought we had plenty of time, but a friend at church offered to do it for us and said newborn shoots were best before she was 2 weeks old. So I said great, wonderful and after this morning I'm really excited! I didn't really have any expectations and I let Beth do a lot of what she wanted, but then I got more into it and we brought out the rocking chair and cradle and some of those pictures should be awesome! I'm glad I said yes. :-)
It all just reminds me of how very blessed we are. I haven't spent any of our money on baby things aside from the crib and now we even have photos for free. It is all so amazing and I'm so thankful for all our family and friends who love us and Samantha so much! Our church was making baskets yesterday to give to fire department, police department, etc for Memorial day and we made it to the end of the event - with cookies to add - but after a few minutes, they presented US with a basket! (Lots of extra chocolate too) I'm just more amazed every day. I really wish we didn't have to move from this area, it seems like we finally found a niche, but alas, you go where life takes you. And we'll make it and hopefully find similar people in Katy. And I know God will take care of us because I've already seen it happen.
Our house went on the market Friday - finally! Now I just have to keep it neat and clean all the time since I never know when we'll have visitors. I hope soon, we haven't had any lookers yet. Strangely I have turned into super housewife. Maybe because I'm not working and I have nothing else to do, but keeping the house clean hasn't been too much of a problem. I'm currently waiting on little one to wake up so I can vacuum, but the dishes are done, the bed is made. I'm much farther than I have been in months, years, maybe ever!
And I think I want to bake some muffins now.... :-D
Samantha had her first photo shoot today. I was a little hesitant, I guess I thought we had plenty of time, but a friend at church offered to do it for us and said newborn shoots were best before she was 2 weeks old. So I said great, wonderful and after this morning I'm really excited! I didn't really have any expectations and I let Beth do a lot of what she wanted, but then I got more into it and we brought out the rocking chair and cradle and some of those pictures should be awesome! I'm glad I said yes. :-)
It all just reminds me of how very blessed we are. I haven't spent any of our money on baby things aside from the crib and now we even have photos for free. It is all so amazing and I'm so thankful for all our family and friends who love us and Samantha so much! Our church was making baskets yesterday to give to fire department, police department, etc for Memorial day and we made it to the end of the event - with cookies to add - but after a few minutes, they presented US with a basket! (Lots of extra chocolate too) I'm just more amazed every day. I really wish we didn't have to move from this area, it seems like we finally found a niche, but alas, you go where life takes you. And we'll make it and hopefully find similar people in Katy. And I know God will take care of us because I've already seen it happen.
Our house went on the market Friday - finally! Now I just have to keep it neat and clean all the time since I never know when we'll have visitors. I hope soon, we haven't had any lookers yet. Strangely I have turned into super housewife. Maybe because I'm not working and I have nothing else to do, but keeping the house clean hasn't been too much of a problem. I'm currently waiting on little one to wake up so I can vacuum, but the dishes are done, the bed is made. I'm much farther than I have been in months, years, maybe ever!
And I think I want to bake some muffins now.... :-D
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Here She IS!
Well, it didn't exactly happen as I imagined, but here she is!
Thursday I went back to work, taught all day - left at 3:10 for the dr. Got to the dr, they realized my blood pressure was high and sent me over to the hospital to check in for the long haul. I was supposed to be 'ripened' overnight and then induced Friday morning.
When I got checked in and finally up to a room (about 5:30pm) they hooked me up to monitors for the baby and for contractions and then to an IV. One of the nurses came in and said "so, are you having contractions?" I ssaid I thought I was having a few braxton hicks, like normal. She asked how often I thought I was having them. Seemed like 5-10 minutes to me - sometimes longer. She said "well, they're kinda close together - as often as 1.5-2 min apart" Whoops. She told me that they couldn't put the medicine in to 'soften' my cervix if I was having contractions that close. They checked and I was still only 1 cm dilated, and my dr was worried about inducing without me being a little more open. Kinda seemed like I was in a bind. After a few hours of fluids, they decided that my contractions were regular enough (though still only about 2 min apart) to put the ripener in. So that happened about 8:30pm. I went about an hour or so, maybe less and really started to feel my contractions. And so close together! I was standing, sitting on my ball, rocking - and Nathan had to be RIGHT THERE because it was a bit painful. The nurses didn't seem too concerned, saying I likely wasn't any more dilated and that they were waiting till morning to induce. I finally said to Nathan "I don't think I can do this all night - these HURT" So I 'caved' and got an epideral around midnight.
It was super easy, really didn't hurt at all - the worst part was going through a few contractions without Nathan - since he had to leave the room. However, I will say that my L&D nurse could not have been better! I love her and she's amazing and she helped me through them.
So now that I was a bit drugged up (I still felt contractions just apparently as a pressure sensation not as contractions - whatever, they still kinda hurt and got progressively worse) they decided to check for dilation again. Great news! I was at 5cm! So I got to tell Nathan when he came back in that we'd probably have her early morning :-)
The next 2 hours went as planned - 1 cm each hour. Then I quickly started feeling lots more pain. And I really thought I needed to push. I told my nurse and she kinda said "well, I can check again, but you probably have a little more time"
So she checked - 9.5 cm! She left to call the dr and came back in and told me my dr usually took about 30 minutes to get here so I needed to hold off on pushing till then. Because my water bag hadn't broke and they needed the dr to do that. So I'm really feeling some pain and holding on to the bed rail every 2 minutes to get through without pushing. She kept telling me it was very soon and that it would feel great to push and I just had a few more minutes. The seemingly longest part of labor was those 30 minutes. Then my dr called and said she was almost there, if I was ready, I could start to push. However, my water hadn't broke. So I rolled over on my back, went through one contraction and ta-da - gush of water! I think I had about 1-2 pushing contractions before my doctor came in. She looked and went through 1-2 with me then left the room and said "call me when she gets closer" So my amazing L&D nurse, Desiree and Nathan got me most of the way, called my dr in and after 50 minutes of pushing, Samantha Hazel arrived!
I'll post more later, but she is a little unhappy right now and I'm done.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Not bursting yet...
Well I have lots of energy! Mostly because I'm pretty done with school - all reviews are out, kids are working and exams are copied (I only found a few minor errors when I worked them myself, oops).
I've been at home yesterday and today 'resting' but I can't rest! At least my mom is over to help slow me down a bit. She's packing and I'm helping some, cooking, and sewing! I haven't super cleaned yet, but maybe this evening, lol!
I would really like this baby girl to come and not be late. I'm not sure how much longer I can take people asking "Oh, are you still pregnant?" Uh, yeah, doesn't it look like it??
So suggestions on helping your body go into labor?? Besides up and doing lots and doing...ya know.
I've been at home yesterday and today 'resting' but I can't rest! At least my mom is over to help slow me down a bit. She's packing and I'm helping some, cooking, and sewing! I haven't super cleaned yet, but maybe this evening, lol!
I would really like this baby girl to come and not be late. I'm not sure how much longer I can take people asking "Oh, are you still pregnant?" Uh, yeah, doesn't it look like it??
So suggestions on helping your body go into labor?? Besides up and doing lots and doing...ya know.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Getting pretty ready...
So last week was pretty chaotic with Nathan's dad and friend here to help in odd jobs and paint fixing. Our bedroom and bathroom were redone (the colors were too much, the realtor told us) and the second bath got a texture fix and new color (only because we had that color left so we didn't buy more of the original color) All of the outside got a paint job (thank goodness we don't have much wood trimming outside), the ceilings got touched up and the living room floor got its trim all back in shape. Plus under our kitchen sink got repaired, the front door got a facelift (which may be my favorite fix-up), and our backyard got another fence side replaced (the one that was waving in the wind that fell over a few times after the hurricane and allowed Libby to help herself inside via doggie door to the neighbor's house to gourge on the neighbor's dog food)
So all in all, a good week. However with baby in belly, Becky spent the night at a friend's house Wednesday, then went to mom and dad's in Katy thursday evening through sunday morning to avoid paint fumes. A little longer than expected, but aren't parents wonderful when they cook the most interesting meals just for you and all your temporary diet restrictions? My dad is a great cook - and creative!
We got the crib up at our new location, then came back to our old location where Nathan had rearranged our room so that a rocking chair and pack-n-play (nap location plus changing station) still make our room look spacious! Plus the beautiful craddle (nighttime location) and new (antique) wooden rocker are set up in the baby's temporary 'nursery'. Please don't ask where unless you promise not to judge. So I'm READY for her - I even have 3 locations for her to sleep! What I'm not ready for is to leave my students at school. I don't have the last exam written for one of my subjects nor do I have their reviews finished or the last week of lessons ready. Plus I have a mountain of papers to grade. Why then am I posting on my blog? Good Question! I'm supposed to go to bed early!
From stories of others, I'm now thinking the tell-tale sign will be a sudden burst of energy the morning of or day before labor begins. Any thoughts on your sure way to tell its coming?
So all in all, a good week. However with baby in belly, Becky spent the night at a friend's house Wednesday, then went to mom and dad's in Katy thursday evening through sunday morning to avoid paint fumes. A little longer than expected, but aren't parents wonderful when they cook the most interesting meals just for you and all your temporary diet restrictions? My dad is a great cook - and creative!
We got the crib up at our new location, then came back to our old location where Nathan had rearranged our room so that a rocking chair and pack-n-play (nap location plus changing station) still make our room look spacious! Plus the beautiful craddle (nighttime location) and new (antique) wooden rocker are set up in the baby's temporary 'nursery'. Please don't ask where unless you promise not to judge. So I'm READY for her - I even have 3 locations for her to sleep! What I'm not ready for is to leave my students at school. I don't have the last exam written for one of my subjects nor do I have their reviews finished or the last week of lessons ready. Plus I have a mountain of papers to grade. Why then am I posting on my blog? Good Question! I'm supposed to go to bed early!
From stories of others, I'm now thinking the tell-tale sign will be a sudden burst of energy the morning of or day before labor begins. Any thoughts on your sure way to tell its coming?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Dear Baby Girl,
God had good intentions when he designed child birth. You are NOT supposed to come out the front, so it'd be great if you could stop clawing your way through my belly button and head towards the hole thats downwards. Pre-made hole, just for you.
Love, Your Mommy
P.S. Mommy and Daddy are pretty excited for you to be here, but grandma says it'd be awesome if you could wait about 2 and a half more weeks.
Love, Your Mommy
P.S. Mommy and Daddy are pretty excited for you to be here, but grandma says it'd be awesome if you could wait about 2 and a half more weeks.
Friday, April 23, 2010
36 weeks!
Getting there pretty soon! Heartburn is still intense some evenings, but other evenings I'm good :-) The swelling in my ankles can be intense also - I tried my best to cut salt from my diet to help. :-( That means I have to cook all my own food pretty much, but thats keeping me healthy, I'm sure. However Nathan and I don't really eat the same things for dinner too often now. Without salt, tomatos, citris things, or diet can get bland.
Soon enough it will turn around...
Last Saturday was ... annoying, so I'm hoping for a noneventful Saturday tomorrow.
I had a visit with a different doctor Thursday because mine was sick. Maybe a good thing, cause I never know who might be around for delivery. I liked her a lot. She smiled the whole time and told me things that my doctor hadn't mentioned before. Not that I don't like my doctor, I do.
I got pre-registered at the hospital and talked to the pediatrician this week. Go me. I think we're pretty much ready to go now.
Soon enough it will turn around...
Last Saturday was ... annoying, so I'm hoping for a noneventful Saturday tomorrow.
I had a visit with a different doctor Thursday because mine was sick. Maybe a good thing, cause I never know who might be around for delivery. I liked her a lot. She smiled the whole time and told me things that my doctor hadn't mentioned before. Not that I don't like my doctor, I do.
I got pre-registered at the hospital and talked to the pediatrician this week. Go me. I think we're pretty much ready to go now.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Counting the weeks..
So I am counting the weeks down. Thats normal right?
I'm just about ready for her to be here. I mean I want to see her and hold her....and I'd love to shrink this belly a bit, be able to get comfortable and maybe cut back on the heartburn and bloating that have set in as of lately.
Just 3.4 weeks and I'm 'full term'. I'll take that. And if you dare mention that your first baby is often late....I just might snarl at you. Or worse...
At least I'm still counting by weeks and not by days yet...
I'm just about ready for her to be here. I mean I want to see her and hold her....and I'd love to shrink this belly a bit, be able to get comfortable and maybe cut back on the heartburn and bloating that have set in as of lately.
Just 3.4 weeks and I'm 'full term'. I'll take that. And if you dare mention that your first baby is often late....I just might snarl at you. Or worse...
At least I'm still counting by weeks and not by days yet...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Not Married?
Apparently Nathan and I aren't married.... or so he says.
He lost his wedding ring a few weeks ago. We keep hoping it'll turn up, but so far, no luck.
And today even the band that was slightly bigger wouldn't budge over my knuckle. Stupid swollen hands/feet/ankles/fingers/legs.
Anyway, yes, we are married. I found another ring - nothing like a wedding ring, but who cares and put it on and he is currently at the store trying to buy a fairly cheap tungsten wedding band as a replacement. We hope that it'll be like most things - buy the replacement and ta-da! The original appears!
Here's to hoping!
He lost his wedding ring a few weeks ago. We keep hoping it'll turn up, but so far, no luck.
And today even the band that was slightly bigger wouldn't budge over my knuckle. Stupid swollen hands/feet/ankles/fingers/legs.
Anyway, yes, we are married. I found another ring - nothing like a wedding ring, but who cares and put it on and he is currently at the store trying to buy a fairly cheap tungsten wedding band as a replacement. We hope that it'll be like most things - buy the replacement and ta-da! The original appears!
Here's to hoping!
Monday, March 29, 2010
It still smells....
The toaster oven pan went through the dish washer and I tried, with no success, to clean the yellow/brown tinge from the door of the oven, but.....
It still smells. A lot.
Ooops. :-)
Still works though - my toasted sandwich for dinner was delicious!
It still smells. A lot.
Ooops. :-)
Still works though - my toasted sandwich for dinner was delicious!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
32 Weeks
Yesterday was Josh and Melissa's wedding. We had a great time and there was LOTS of food at the reception that baby girl throroughly enjoyed :-)
I had quite a few contractions Saturday morning even though I was just running errands with the boys, but Nathan made me drink a whole bottle of water and things seemed to calm down. Its definitely noticable when I have quite a few contractions so I have to be really careful to not do too much, drink lots of water, and, my all time favorite, go to the bathroom a lot. *sigh* That's especially Nathan's favorite when we're on road trips or running errands. :-D
Anyway, I'm up pretty close to the weight gain the doctor originally suggested - where I never thought I'd be - so I guess its about time to limit myself in the sweet intake. I have been better about eating more veggies, so now its just time to take a step away from sweets. Boo, but I know I'll be a healthier person. And its a good habit to get started for raising children! I never had motivation before because I could eat all the sweets I wanted and I never gained weight. I knew it probably wasn't the healthiest thing, but when you see no impact, its hard to convince yourself of that. So now that I might be seeing an impact, let's see if I have some motivation that translates to will power :-)
I also can't really sit up from laying on my back. That's fairly new. Sleeping is uncomfortable, but made much better with the big huge worm pillow Heather let me borrow :-) Swelling in my ankles and feet and maybe a little in my hands/wrists (or it may just be because I'm gaining weight that my watch and ring actually fit now)
So I really only update the pregnancy symptoms so that I know when things happened for my next pregnancy and for others. I thought I'd remember everything, but I already forgot some things, so better write them down!
Next weekend we will PAINT THE NURSERY!! Yey!! And put the crib up. :-D (Even though we won't use the crib for a few months, I'd prefer to have the room a little bit set up)
The weekend after that the boys are fishing and the girls will all be here for the weekend and baby shower! I'm just excited everyone is coming and we should be able to finish up on baby stuff - we don't need much more!
I had quite a few contractions Saturday morning even though I was just running errands with the boys, but Nathan made me drink a whole bottle of water and things seemed to calm down. Its definitely noticable when I have quite a few contractions so I have to be really careful to not do too much, drink lots of water, and, my all time favorite, go to the bathroom a lot. *sigh* That's especially Nathan's favorite when we're on road trips or running errands. :-D
Anyway, I'm up pretty close to the weight gain the doctor originally suggested - where I never thought I'd be - so I guess its about time to limit myself in the sweet intake. I have been better about eating more veggies, so now its just time to take a step away from sweets. Boo, but I know I'll be a healthier person. And its a good habit to get started for raising children! I never had motivation before because I could eat all the sweets I wanted and I never gained weight. I knew it probably wasn't the healthiest thing, but when you see no impact, its hard to convince yourself of that. So now that I might be seeing an impact, let's see if I have some motivation that translates to will power :-)
I also can't really sit up from laying on my back. That's fairly new. Sleeping is uncomfortable, but made much better with the big huge worm pillow Heather let me borrow :-) Swelling in my ankles and feet and maybe a little in my hands/wrists (or it may just be because I'm gaining weight that my watch and ring actually fit now)
So I really only update the pregnancy symptoms so that I know when things happened for my next pregnancy and for others. I thought I'd remember everything, but I already forgot some things, so better write them down!
Next weekend we will PAINT THE NURSERY!! Yey!! And put the crib up. :-D (Even though we won't use the crib for a few months, I'd prefer to have the room a little bit set up)
The weekend after that the boys are fishing and the girls will all be here for the weekend and baby shower! I'm just excited everyone is coming and we should be able to finish up on baby stuff - we don't need much more!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Fire....averted. :-)
So Nathan says I should post more because my pregnancy is really funny. When I write it down though, it doesn't seem that funny. Maybe he can guest post funnier stories.
Today after our staff meeting at work I was greeted by a surprise shower!! I was really REALLY surprised - I had no clue. And that's really hard to do to me! Nathan said he was jealous, he's not sure he's ever really surprised me. Anyway, it was my first shower and super exciting! I have more than I need though and I have 2 showers to go (not my choice - I would have made everyone do one, but it was really too many people)!
Anyway, I was so excited to set up a few things - even though we'll just have to move it in a few weeks. So after dinner, I went into the room to set up the infant seat/rocker. And I was having a good time with it, then the phone rang and I ran out of the back bedroom to answer it. It was my mom, so glad she called, because I realized I smelled a little smoke...from the meatballs I left cooking in the toaster oven. I had to hang up with my mom as I realized this because when I barely opened the door to turn off the toaster over, I saw flames inside. I decided it was quite a bit smokey and I should take the rest outdoors to air out.
So thanks mom for calling and saving our kitchen!
The windows are still open to try to air out the house. I'm glad its such a nice night out - perfect temp for all windows up.
I think I heard once that pregnant women are I'm gonna blame this one on the baby. :-)
Today after our staff meeting at work I was greeted by a surprise shower!! I was really REALLY surprised - I had no clue. And that's really hard to do to me! Nathan said he was jealous, he's not sure he's ever really surprised me. Anyway, it was my first shower and super exciting! I have more than I need though and I have 2 showers to go (not my choice - I would have made everyone do one, but it was really too many people)!
Anyway, I was so excited to set up a few things - even though we'll just have to move it in a few weeks. So after dinner, I went into the room to set up the infant seat/rocker. And I was having a good time with it, then the phone rang and I ran out of the back bedroom to answer it. It was my mom, so glad she called, because I realized I smelled a little smoke...from the meatballs I left cooking in the toaster oven. I had to hang up with my mom as I realized this because when I barely opened the door to turn off the toaster over, I saw flames inside. I decided it was quite a bit smokey and I should take the rest outdoors to air out.
So thanks mom for calling and saving our kitchen!
The windows are still open to try to air out the house. I'm glad its such a nice night out - perfect temp for all windows up.
I think I heard once that pregnant women are I'm gonna blame this one on the baby. :-)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
31 weeks and moving...
So we actually finally started cleaning things out and moving and packing in prep for putting this house up for sale. I guess I did too much this morning. All afternoon/evening I've had (too) many braxton hicks contractions. After resting all evening and drinking lots of water, they have slowed, so I think I'm fine. The problem is I worked too hard. If I tell the dr I had this many, she'll likely put me on bedrest and I can't afford that! So the better solution would be to slow down a lot on my own and not be on bedrest. However, I thought I wasn't doing too much today. :-( Thursday I did too much, Friday I did good and still got things done. Saturday I did too much again.
Its really frustrating now. To watch Nathan moving and packing things and then watching him try to figure out how to load a crib into the truck or move a bookcase all by himself, because he and I both know I really can't help. Even though I really want to!!
And there are sooooo many things I really want to do and clean and pack and move.
And I can't.
Its really frustrating now. To watch Nathan moving and packing things and then watching him try to figure out how to load a crib into the truck or move a bookcase all by himself, because he and I both know I really can't help. Even though I really want to!!
And there are sooooo many things I really want to do and clean and pack and move.
And I can't.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
So on Tuesday I didn't know what to write about. Well, today it happened. I developed cankles. Yup. My ankles are pretty swollen. Maybe from all the walking at the rodeo yesterday or from standing all day giving exams. But I'm beginning to come to terms with it. I'm officially FAT and pregnant. :-(
I mean, I'm glad I'm pregnant, and I've been feeling fat. But its not the same as when you look down (can't see your toes, so you bend forward) and realize your ankle is almost gone.
On the up side, I'm one day (of fun-ness) away from spring break and I can't wait! Visiting Matt and Katie and baby Logan then Mimi and Pops, Grandma, Laura, Matthew and my favorite tater and my uncle and mom!
I mean, I'm glad I'm pregnant, and I've been feeling fat. But its not the same as when you look down (can't see your toes, so you bend forward) and realize your ankle is almost gone.
On the up side, I'm one day (of fun-ness) away from spring break and I can't wait! Visiting Matt and Katie and baby Logan then Mimi and Pops, Grandma, Laura, Matthew and my favorite tater and my uncle and mom!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Almost 30 weeks
So I don't know when I got off, but I thought I was at 30 weeks and I sure was not. I even got confused when the nurse told me I was 29 weeks yesterday and she was unconvinced after I said I thought I was 30, so she went to check on it...but didn't come back. The dr came in instead in about 5 minutes and finished up everything, and then kinda told me I was done even though the nurse never came back...
I'm a little disappointed in the dr's visits lately because MY nurse is apparently gone and I don't really care for the new nurse. She just isn't as fun and pleasant and on top of it. She's nice and all, but the old nurse was much better :-(
Anyway, so I am at 29 weeks and a few days. Sad, I thought I was a week further...
Current feelings/symptoms....uhm, the extra huge feeling has gone for a little while. Not sure if I'm eating less or getting used to it, but for a few weeks in there, I thought I'd never make it and now I'm thinking "sure, why not. I got this" which is good, right? Just a little over 2 months to go.
I need to get more ahead on school work so they have stuff to do whenever I leave....
What else...oh, heartburn is back. Some days its pretty awful, yesterday I don't think I took one tums. But when its bad, its really a drag. I take tums and it gets better and whenever I've felt it even a little during the day, I have to remember to take 1 (or 2) tums as I'm getting ready for bed, otherwise when I lay down I feel like all my food it coming back out my mouth. Not in a nauseous way, in a I'm really full and its gonna come up my throat way.
Tic-tac is getting nice and strong. She can make my whole tummy just ripple and jump. its funny when she gets to one side and makes me look really lop-sided! Like I swallowed a watermelon sideways. Doesn't stay for too long though, so most of the time I look like a child's sized basketball. I know it will get a lot bigger! She's only about 3 pounds right now, and still about 4-6 inches short of what she'll be when she's born. Whoa!
Another busy week - a meeting I need to run to now and the RODEO tomorrow - yee-haw! Rascal Flatts! I hope they play some older songs cause I probably don't know their new ones.
I'm a little disappointed in the dr's visits lately because MY nurse is apparently gone and I don't really care for the new nurse. She just isn't as fun and pleasant and on top of it. She's nice and all, but the old nurse was much better :-(
Anyway, so I am at 29 weeks and a few days. Sad, I thought I was a week further...
Current feelings/symptoms....uhm, the extra huge feeling has gone for a little while. Not sure if I'm eating less or getting used to it, but for a few weeks in there, I thought I'd never make it and now I'm thinking "sure, why not. I got this" which is good, right? Just a little over 2 months to go.
I need to get more ahead on school work so they have stuff to do whenever I leave....
What else...oh, heartburn is back. Some days its pretty awful, yesterday I don't think I took one tums. But when its bad, its really a drag. I take tums and it gets better and whenever I've felt it even a little during the day, I have to remember to take 1 (or 2) tums as I'm getting ready for bed, otherwise when I lay down I feel like all my food it coming back out my mouth. Not in a nauseous way, in a I'm really full and its gonna come up my throat way.
Tic-tac is getting nice and strong. She can make my whole tummy just ripple and jump. its funny when she gets to one side and makes me look really lop-sided! Like I swallowed a watermelon sideways. Doesn't stay for too long though, so most of the time I look like a child's sized basketball. I know it will get a lot bigger! She's only about 3 pounds right now, and still about 4-6 inches short of what she'll be when she's born. Whoa!
Another busy week - a meeting I need to run to now and the RODEO tomorrow - yee-haw! Rascal Flatts! I hope they play some older songs cause I probably don't know their new ones.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Just random tidbits
So I had to look up on the pregnancy calendar to make sure I was right - I'm 24 1/2 weeks. I also read on that calendar that more than 50% of babies born at this time will survive. It makes me feel less anxious, though I know there is nothing I can do. Its nice to know that if something were to happen, tic-tac is more likely to make it than not make it.
She sure moves around a lot! I know I said that before, but it is just so cool sometimes! And I think I've started to get occasional braxton-hicks contractions. I told Nathan that a few weeks ago and he wasn't so sure, but after everything the nurse told me and then having him feel it (usually in the evenings) he thinks maybe I'm right. Not more than maybe 2 in 1 day, so I think we're ok. I hope, like my mom mentioned once, that it means I'll have an easier labor cause my body will have been 'warming up' for the real thing for so long.
Other things to note. I was feeling good about the fact that I had more room to breathe, but about the last week, I've felt like I'm huge and have no room again. And I'll keep growing for the next 3.5 months?? I really don't know how that will be, but I'm trying to take Nathan's advice which is "take it one day at a time". Its true, I don't know what 3 months will bring, but I do know that tomorrow can't be much worse than today and I can handle that, so I can handle tomorrow.
I also have a cold this week which makes breathing even more annoying. Funny, the thing that keeps me alive, I find annoying. But I mean that I am taking shallow, through the mouth breaths and thats just not as fun for enjoying life. I'm thinking I'm on the downhill side of the cold though. I started to feel bad Sunday, Monday was kinda bad, yesterday and today felt pretty bad and tomorrow should be better. I'm thankful that its just a cold - no fever, no horrible feelings, just a stuffy head and a little cough. It could always be worse, so I'll take this. I know colds I can get through - and get through with little to no medicine. Some people might not be able to imagine that, but I never cared for medicine anyway, so I'd take as little as possible. So I don't really know if I could take something more than tylenol, but I try not to take much, for little tic-tac's sake. I saw what caffeine did to her at the ultrasound, so don't try to convince me that she won't feel it!
Anyway, its 8pm and about time for bed. I skipped Bible study tonight to go to bed early, so I need to do that. I just have a few things in the laundry that I'll need to hang up when they come out of the dryer. Then to bed with me!
She sure moves around a lot! I know I said that before, but it is just so cool sometimes! And I think I've started to get occasional braxton-hicks contractions. I told Nathan that a few weeks ago and he wasn't so sure, but after everything the nurse told me and then having him feel it (usually in the evenings) he thinks maybe I'm right. Not more than maybe 2 in 1 day, so I think we're ok. I hope, like my mom mentioned once, that it means I'll have an easier labor cause my body will have been 'warming up' for the real thing for so long.
Other things to note. I was feeling good about the fact that I had more room to breathe, but about the last week, I've felt like I'm huge and have no room again. And I'll keep growing for the next 3.5 months?? I really don't know how that will be, but I'm trying to take Nathan's advice which is "take it one day at a time". Its true, I don't know what 3 months will bring, but I do know that tomorrow can't be much worse than today and I can handle that, so I can handle tomorrow.
I also have a cold this week which makes breathing even more annoying. Funny, the thing that keeps me alive, I find annoying. But I mean that I am taking shallow, through the mouth breaths and thats just not as fun for enjoying life. I'm thinking I'm on the downhill side of the cold though. I started to feel bad Sunday, Monday was kinda bad, yesterday and today felt pretty bad and tomorrow should be better. I'm thankful that its just a cold - no fever, no horrible feelings, just a stuffy head and a little cough. It could always be worse, so I'll take this. I know colds I can get through - and get through with little to no medicine. Some people might not be able to imagine that, but I never cared for medicine anyway, so I'd take as little as possible. So I don't really know if I could take something more than tylenol, but I try not to take much, for little tic-tac's sake. I saw what caffeine did to her at the ultrasound, so don't try to convince me that she won't feel it!
Anyway, its 8pm and about time for bed. I skipped Bible study tonight to go to bed early, so I need to do that. I just have a few things in the laundry that I'll need to hang up when they come out of the dryer. Then to bed with me!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I felt like I should update, but I don't really have too much to share.
Friends of ours found out they are pregnant too!!!! Its still really early for them - they called us day of the pregnancy test, before she was even late. They are very worried/anxious, especially because their doctor said she didn't need to come in until she was 8 weeks - another month away! I remember that feeling. The "I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant because thats what the test(s) said, but I haven't been to the doctor and I'm not really into it yet and I'm just worried and how am I supposed to feel and what do I need to be doing" feeling.
Rough times the beginning can be. And here I am looking back and going "oh so long ago" but it really wasn't! Though I do feel pro at the first half of the pregnancy. Been there, done that, feel wonderful now. :-)
Our beloved tic-tac sure moves around a lot sometimes! A few days ago Nathan and I were reading our nightly book and she was moving around so much I could barely concentrate on reading! I had to keep pausing to gather my thoughts.
The next day it happened during one of my classes - started right at the beginning too! The kids noticed I was kinda looking funny and pausing and they asked what was wrong. I debated and then told them the baby kept kicking me and was likely jumping on my intestines. They were very very excited. Wanted to know how long and what it felt like. They were also proud to share later with my other students who weren't in that class that they knew something others didn't know. Today I was talking to the principal about it a little and she said it was probably a new experience for some of the kids and she was glad they were excited in sharing the experience with me. So I guess its pretty neat to share some of the fun things with them along the way.
Tonight Nathan and I went to the happy hour that is put on by my old company once a month. We kinda crashed the party, but we got to visit with people that we hadn't seen in quite a few months (most I hadn't seen since I left at the beginning of July) It was nice to say hi to everyone and my bump was the talk of the night!
Oh and Saturday is wedding dress shopping with Amy and the girls - yey!
At 23 weeks and so confused on how they count months, I have no idea. I think thats the 5th month?
Friends of ours found out they are pregnant too!!!! Its still really early for them - they called us day of the pregnancy test, before she was even late. They are very worried/anxious, especially because their doctor said she didn't need to come in until she was 8 weeks - another month away! I remember that feeling. The "I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant because thats what the test(s) said, but I haven't been to the doctor and I'm not really into it yet and I'm just worried and how am I supposed to feel and what do I need to be doing" feeling.
Rough times the beginning can be. And here I am looking back and going "oh so long ago" but it really wasn't! Though I do feel pro at the first half of the pregnancy. Been there, done that, feel wonderful now. :-)
Our beloved tic-tac sure moves around a lot sometimes! A few days ago Nathan and I were reading our nightly book and she was moving around so much I could barely concentrate on reading! I had to keep pausing to gather my thoughts.
The next day it happened during one of my classes - started right at the beginning too! The kids noticed I was kinda looking funny and pausing and they asked what was wrong. I debated and then told them the baby kept kicking me and was likely jumping on my intestines. They were very very excited. Wanted to know how long and what it felt like. They were also proud to share later with my other students who weren't in that class that they knew something others didn't know. Today I was talking to the principal about it a little and she said it was probably a new experience for some of the kids and she was glad they were excited in sharing the experience with me. So I guess its pretty neat to share some of the fun things with them along the way.
Tonight Nathan and I went to the happy hour that is put on by my old company once a month. We kinda crashed the party, but we got to visit with people that we hadn't seen in quite a few months (most I hadn't seen since I left at the beginning of July) It was nice to say hi to everyone and my bump was the talk of the night!
Oh and Saturday is wedding dress shopping with Amy and the girls - yey!
At 23 weeks and so confused on how they count months, I have no idea. I think thats the 5th month?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I just wanted to share, as I eat my eggs, bagel, and muffins for dinner, that I have a whole new way to enjoy vegetables! First, V8 fusion - tastes like yummy fruit juice but with a whole serving of fruit also comes a whole serving of vegetables! Delicious.
Also, (not sure how much of a serving it is) but Garden Vegetable cream cheese. MMMMmmm.
At 20 weeks, I'm 'halfway' though you never really know when the baby will come and besides, the first month hardly counts since I didn't even know I was pregnant and felt completely normal! But because of Christmas vacation and stuffing myself with all sorts of food, and being waited on by mom and dad when they were around, I LOVE food. Which is really good, because the doctor was mad at me at my last visit for not gaining enough weight. Well, the belly is here and I'm putting all the food in my mouth I can (most days) and I think I will have gained an acceptable amount by my next visit. :-) As long as I continue this trend.
Eating a lot though, is time consuming and sometimes a pain. I can't go for a long shopping trip, cause I have to eat. I have to think waaaay ahead for work and pack a ton of food. Like today. I packed nuts (for a quick pick me up) macaroni and cheese, tacos, yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese, and my wonderful V8 fusion. And I ate everything but the cottage cheese (only because I ran out of time at lunch) and then at our staff meeting, I ate chips, crackers, cheese, fruit, and a brownie!
And I was STILL hungry when I got home at 6! Seriously, this much eating sure takes a lot of time. Every break at school (oh I am so thankful I teach high school and get those breaks) I have to take time to eat! I mean, I have other things to do too. Like surf the internet ... I mean take attendance, post lesson plans, and grade papers. :-)
I know, I know, most of you hate me because I can eat all I want and not gain weight. But my life isn't easy as pie either....
Anyway, I have been VERY cheery the last 2 days (hope its not a pregnancy mood swing that will go away) And my students even mentioned today that I was sure smiling and laughing a lot. "The break must have done you good, Mrs Berry" LoL They are too funny sometimes. Most of them also remembered that I kept telling them that I would know if it was a boy or girl after Christmas. So today each class took a poll and then got told who was right and who was wrong. They enjoyed that. As did I :-)
Do people rubbing or patting your belly bother you? I had 2 teachers do that today - one who is a good friend and has been doing it for at least a month, so I don't mind at all, the other teacher, one who I don't know as well and it may be a little awkward. Anyway, another teacher said this morning (as the first one patted my belly) "Don't you hate that??" So I guess she didn't like it. But not that many people have done it yet (I'm sure it will increase as the size of the belly increases)
Just wondering what any one else's opinion is.
Also, (not sure how much of a serving it is) but Garden Vegetable cream cheese. MMMMmmm.
At 20 weeks, I'm 'halfway' though you never really know when the baby will come and besides, the first month hardly counts since I didn't even know I was pregnant and felt completely normal! But because of Christmas vacation and stuffing myself with all sorts of food, and being waited on by mom and dad when they were around, I LOVE food. Which is really good, because the doctor was mad at me at my last visit for not gaining enough weight. Well, the belly is here and I'm putting all the food in my mouth I can (most days) and I think I will have gained an acceptable amount by my next visit. :-) As long as I continue this trend.
Eating a lot though, is time consuming and sometimes a pain. I can't go for a long shopping trip, cause I have to eat. I have to think waaaay ahead for work and pack a ton of food. Like today. I packed nuts (for a quick pick me up) macaroni and cheese, tacos, yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese, and my wonderful V8 fusion. And I ate everything but the cottage cheese (only because I ran out of time at lunch) and then at our staff meeting, I ate chips, crackers, cheese, fruit, and a brownie!
And I was STILL hungry when I got home at 6! Seriously, this much eating sure takes a lot of time. Every break at school (oh I am so thankful I teach high school and get those breaks) I have to take time to eat! I mean, I have other things to do too. Like surf the internet ... I mean take attendance, post lesson plans, and grade papers. :-)
I know, I know, most of you hate me because I can eat all I want and not gain weight. But my life isn't easy as pie either....
Anyway, I have been VERY cheery the last 2 days (hope its not a pregnancy mood swing that will go away) And my students even mentioned today that I was sure smiling and laughing a lot. "The break must have done you good, Mrs Berry" LoL They are too funny sometimes. Most of them also remembered that I kept telling them that I would know if it was a boy or girl after Christmas. So today each class took a poll and then got told who was right and who was wrong. They enjoyed that. As did I :-)
Do people rubbing or patting your belly bother you? I had 2 teachers do that today - one who is a good friend and has been doing it for at least a month, so I don't mind at all, the other teacher, one who I don't know as well and it may be a little awkward. Anyway, another teacher said this morning (as the first one patted my belly) "Don't you hate that??" So I guess she didn't like it. But not that many people have done it yet (I'm sure it will increase as the size of the belly increases)
Just wondering what any one else's opinion is.
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