Thursday, December 30, 2010

Making baby food..

So I am making my own baby food today. I have done a little before - mostly because I had a whole bunch of home-grown pears and I couldn't eat them all fast enough. But now I'm getting into it.

So today I bought (for baby food making) organic apples, organic pears, bananas, organic squash, organic carrots and sweet potatos.
How did I decide which to buy organic...mostly from this article:
though I do plan to read more.

Cost of organic jar of 4 oz baby food (and they were on sale today: $.89)
Cost of carrots - $2.19 and the bag made approximately 20 oz or 5 jars and amounts to a savings of $2.26
Cost of apples - $1.94 and the 3 I bought made approximately 14 oz or 3.5 jars and amounts to a savings of $1.17

I have yet to do the may wait till tomorrow. I got these done (and ate lunch) during Sam's mid-day nap!

The baby carrots were already washed and peeled, though I did wash again then I boiled. With some of the boiled water I pureed them with my magic bullet. (I'm sure a blender would work too, but the bullet is smaller for cleaning)
The apples I peeled with a vegetable peeler (because I'm really bad skinning with a knife) then cut into pieces and steamed. I added a little water and pureed these too.
Then pour into ice cube trays and freeze. I think it would last a few days in the fridge also, but I never know how fast Sam will eat it. Plus I also still have a bunch of jars that I bought recently and I like to give her variety every day.
I prefer to defrost in hot/boiling water (be sure to use a safe glass container like a measuring cup - I broke one of our glasses using it...) because I think the microwave could damage some of the nutrients, but the microwave will work too and be a little bit faster.

1 comment:

  1. You inspired me to make Remi some too. I'm too lazy to do the pureed ones but she likes when I buy carrot chunks in the baby isle so I cut a big carrot into chunks and boiled them til soft and it made a ton!! I never thought about how easy it is and how much cheaper too. Thanks for being smart, you're going to save us almost $10 in january :)
