Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I feel like I owe the blogging world a post, since I so nicely, stalk, everyone else to read theirs.

So there's been a lot going on.
Samantha started actually crawling in early January - up off her tummy, on her hands and knees. But she didn't seem to care for it much. She would go a few feet and then turn and sit again and start playing. If I left the room, she would crawl and few feet (while crying) then just stop and continue crying till I came back in the room. Yes, poor pitiful little mama's girl. And no, I don't think I spoil her, I don't know why she is so attached!
About 2 weeks ago, she really got the hang of this crawling thing. Now I put her down, turn around and she's off in the other room! Ahh! She loves opening doors - cabinets, bedroom or closet doors...
Today, she was playing with the backdoor since I left it unlatched. We have a doggie dog in the screen door and I usually leave the back door open for Libby to go in and out. Guess who soon got started playing with the doggie door? Oh yes, my sweet Samantha started playing with the flap. Libby was even nice enough to go in and out a few times to show her how! Then of course, my friend Cindy went outside and encouraged her further. Luckily Sam wasn't quite sure about it and only put about one arm out before coming back.
Good thing we move in a week and a half and the new house has no doggie door! Ha
I haven't done a whole lot of child-proofing here. Shame on me, because I haven't even moved the cleaning supplies from the bottom cabinet in the kitchen! But, I was going to get to it and now we're moving...
I am very excited that I had the brilliant idea (and my husband is nice enough to go along with me) on turning the dining room into a play room/sewing room. It has two smaller doorways so I can get gates to block them off and one doorway is straight into the kitchen by the stove/oven, so I'm hoping that I can cook and Sam will be content cause she can still see me. I am SUPER excited to have a room that is totally safe for her so I can do stuff without always running back to see what she got into. Yeah, I'm not sure how my sewing stuff will work in that room too, but since that's the other thing (besides baking) that I like to spend a lot of time doing, I figured it needed to go in there as well. Probably all in high drawers/shelves with the cords up when not in use. Should be ok (at least for now!)
And to top it off, I'm hightailing it out of town tomorrow, woo hoo! I had a trip planned when we got our moving date and I figured, go anyway - get away from the stress of it. So, I get to take 4 days to relax before coming back and moving it all in a week. Definitely excited to see Alice Marie and spend some time not worrying about things and hopefully getting help with my little angel that likes to wake up at 5am. :-D Please read the sarcasm into that angel part ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You updated!! So are you moving to ur parents old house and talking about that dining room? If so that is brilliant!!!! I'm officially jealous... dumb tiny apartment. Ok its actually pretty nice but still a play room in that location would be amazing. Have fun moving!
