Monday, February 28, 2011

9 Months and before...

Ok, so most others post about what their child does and is like on month birthdays. I never have, but since I am not exactly keeping up with my kid anywhere else, let's see if I can hit a few highlights and then put what's going on now.

Smiling started somewhere between 1 and 2 months

Laughing started Labor Day weekend - about 3 months and a week or so

She was rolling front to back (though I think totally on accident) by her 2 month dr appointment. I explained what it was to the Dr, then he saw her do it and he said that was it. I still say she was never very intentional about it - she just pushed up with her hands and fell over.

She was rolling from back to front right at 4 months - which she accomplished while we were in Montana. After she figured that out, she stopped playing on her back for awhile - she would immediately flip over! She never did too much of the roll to get what she wanted. I was kinda glad about that.

She started scooting (an army crawl) not too much later - between 5 and 6 months. She got much better at that and although I was hoping she would crawl by Christmas (7 months) she didn't really. She army crawled only for the really important things (cell phones, computers, remotes, sometimes keys) but a lot of the time just cried and fussed till I finally gave in.

I guess at some point she started sitting up on her own. Sadly, I think this one is not on her calendar because there was never a clear day where ta-da she could do it. It was just, she can sit up for 10 seconds, now 20 seconds, and then one day I realize she's played a few minutes without falling over. I do remember at her 6 month check up the Dr seemed surprised she was pretty good at it.

At Christmas she learned to sit up from laying down. I did not like this one because it meant she sleeping got a lot harder. Where before, she was easy to put down for naps, because she'd be close to sleeping and I would lay her in bed, now she would immediately perk up after I laid her in bed, sit up and then cry. And actually, sometime in January, I thought I was putting her to bed and she was going to sleep, but after awhile I started looking and really she was just sitting quietly in her crib for half an hour or so and tricking me! One 'nap' I know for sure she never took and how many before that had me fooled, who knows!

So nap time (which had been beautiful for 2-3 months) became increasingly more difficult beginning in January, but really taking a toll in February. Tomorrow is the start of March and maybe I can update next week and let you know how nap time is. (Today - still very frustrating)

On the other hand, sleeping at night got much better in January! After a week or two of seriously frustrating nights, we decided to try giving Sam colic calm in the evenings before bed. We started with a dose before dinner and another before her night time nursing. I hate to give colic calm all the credit, but after 3 nights, she slept ALL NIGHT. Like 7pm to 6:30am. Yippie! Its kinda an expensive bottle, but it comes down to $1 a night and mommy feels like a new person. I thought maybe once she got the hang of sleeping all night, we wouldn't have to use it. But, as the first bottle ran out, we started giving it to her every few nights. Night times got worse, I was super frustrated now in the middle of the night haven back-slidden, so a new bottle and a full dose 2 nights in a row and she was back to 11 hours of sleep. This past week we were in St Louis and traveling and strange beds never do well, plus in the last 2-3 weeks, she has been waking up (sometimes) VERY early. So we'll try to get back on a routine and consistently add a night time bottle (around 9-10pm when we go to bed) and see if that helps. The night time bottle seems to work fairly well in helping her sleep till at least 6 (instead of 4:30 or 5) when I'm good about giving it to her. She is so easy too - I go into her room, pick up the sleeping baby, she might let out one fuss, I stick the bottle up, she (most of the time) sucks it down, and I put the paci back and she is out like a light so I can lay her back down. It takes all of about 6 mintues, so why do I not do it some nights? I don't know...

Just about 2 weeks after Christmas she started actually crawling on her hands and knees as I posted last. She is now all over the place. I caught her on her way out the front door that I had left open for a breeze today. As soon as she saw me watching, she slowed down and didn't actually even make it to the door mat. She is so funny!

So 9 months. She is pretty funny with the camera. She knows to smile and turn on the charm. Sometimes the red-eye flash throws her off. AM had trouble getting good pictures of her, but I don't often use a flash much at all at home. I'm usually taking pictures with my phone and there is no sound on it, so when I hold it up, she just smiles and smiles till I bring it down. When I've had her help me model something I've made, she has been pretty good about doing what I ask. I put her in a dress and was taking pictures of her sitting then asked her to crawl and she sure enough got down on her hands and knees. Maybe a coincidence, but I'm telling you the camera does it. Does she listen to me any other time? NO

She LOVES shoes...which is a problem. I've tried to consistently tell her "no" for only a few things - the dog's water, cords, electronics, and shoes. At first, I really thought she was a wonderful kid and a good listener. Now...the dog's water got moved outside, she will grab any electronic the second you turn your head, and shoes are just a lost cause. I do my best to keep them out of the room we're in. *sigh* So much for good discipline at an early age....

She's still very much a mama's girl. I guess I do spend all day with her and no one else is around all that much. Of course she does love daddy (thank goodness) and she's never complained about Cristal, but anyone else she takes awhile to warm up to (and some people, a long while). Of course this makes everyone sad, that they can't just come in and pick up the cute little girl. If anyone tries, there is usually flailing and screaming that ensues. Much to mom's dismay as 4 hours is about the longest I've ever been away. And the last 2 supposedly 'relaxing' get-aways have made me more tired than before I went!

1 comment:

  1. I am DREADING him learning to sit up after I lay him down for the night. Please come up with a magic solution before we get to that point, please!

    And the 'all mom all the time'? I empathize completely. 99% of the time it's wonderful, but sometimes you just need a few minutes to breathe normally!
