Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Trying to be a better blogger

If I post more often, maybe I can also make them shorter? We'll see..

Packing day (#whatever)
We felt bad this morning (collective we, I really don't think Sam felt too bad) but after getting going, we're doing much better.
I finished the sewing stuff and office stuff (same room) so only the big furniture needs to leave that room. Woo hoo.
I started on the kitchen but got discouraged (distracted) quickly.

Nathan bought a fridge today and took all the boxes I had packed the last 2 days to Katy tonight. Nice thing about moving across town is that boxes don't pile up much at the old house, since there's often a reason to take a trip to the new house.

And because Nathan's a wonderful husband (and wanted to take the new fridge over tonight when I wanted him to be home) he got up nice and early so he could come home early and spend time with us! I'm not sure if Sam just had a really good afternoon or if I was less stressed because I knew Nathan would be home earlier (and I am not worrying about cooking this week as I bought a few frozen meals) but she was so good! We ate dinner together at 5:45 which is exactly when I'd like Sam to be eating (but rarely happens) and then she was very content to watch/help us load the truck. She was not too wiggly during bathtime. In fact, I thought maybe she wasn't tired tonight, but then she fell asleep while nursing and went down perfectly!

Wonder if I could convince Nathan to go to work early maybe twice a week...gotta start slow ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Packing. Ugh. I'm surprised you're blogging at all, you're super woman!
