Friday, May 13, 2011

Go Figure

It would be the one day in 2 weeks that I blog that blogger decides to pitter out in the middle of my post and not save it. Yeah, I copied it on my clipboard but of course didn't do anything with it from there and now, well, a day later, its gone.
And the feeling from yesterday's post is gone, so I'll have to come up with something else.

Today I made my own laundry detergent :-D
Stolen from Mrs Weldy's blog (who I believed probably found the recipe via google) I made 2 gallons of detergent today. Then I'll use 1/2 cup per load. The supplies I bought means that the 6 gallons total I can make would cost me $0.04 per load. Compare that to one of the cheapest detergents at $5 for 44 loads (or about $0.11 per load) and that's a pretty good savings. Not to mention that I'll probably have 2 of the 3 ingredients left for many more batches, so in the end it will be much more savings than that!
But I won't lie, I did it for fun too :-)
I was hoping that the fels naptha (one of the ingredients) would help with baby food stains as well (in the concentrated form as directed on the package) but it did not. I'll try some other combinations, but for now I'll need to rewash some bibs with shout. Oh my do I need to find a cheaper stain fighter. I went through a bottle of shout in about a month, maybe a little less. It seems like almost all of Sam's clothes need Shout. Either a bib with food, spit up on her shirt or poop through her bottoms.

Yes, my baby is one week from being a year old!! The (second half of the) year seems to have flown by! I can't believe she's growing up, but its also so much fun!! She pulls up on everything and has even stood in the middle of the floor a few times by herself. She doesn't seem all that interested in walking. If she stands up when you hold her arms, she'll only take a few steps before sitting and crawling. She does have a walker that she's so proud she can walk behind. Then again, after awhile, she'll just push it on her knees...
I've been kinda lazy about food with her. I was doing well introducing her to feeding herself, then we moved, I got pregnant and sick and she's had all jarred baby food for over a month. Well, she feeds herself cheerios and rice krispies, but I haven't made her peas or carrots in a long while. Soon, soon, when I get past this 'morning' aka "all-day" sickness.
She got a baby doll for Christmas and she's always liked it but this week she has been LOVING it. The doll came with us shopping and 2 mornings in a row she wouldn't give her up so she could eat breakfast. Its pretty cute.

Well Daddy just got home, so that's it for now!


  1. Doesn't make the house smell great?! I made the liquid version twice, and liked the results but was still having to pre-treat for stains, and wasn't having any success with greasy spots. Last week I made the dry version, and seem to be getting the same results if not better and it was much less of a mess to make. (One bar of soap, and one cup of washing soda and borax, grated and thoroughly mixed.)

    Are you going to take belly pictures? Yes? Excellent. :)

  2. Belly pictures will come when my belly is larger than the left over mashed potatos the last baby left me.
    Yes, I had someone tell me I was already showing. No, I was not excited since that bump has been around for a year now.
