Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What to do when you want to change your status on fb every 2 seconds..

Blog it all!

So this morning Sam took a 30 minute snoozer in her swing while I showered and got ready. Unusual, since it was an hour earlier than her normal (and still early) naptime.

We headed to the mall where she proceeded to get fussy and all I did was get my watch fitted to my wrist (thank you wonderful husband for the mother's day gift) though I did find some maternity clothes at Burlington and a sale at Motherhood, but someone was too cranky to let me try anything on! :-( I may have to go back.

I am in love with Chick-fil-a chicken biscuits. Why do they stop serving breakfast at 10:30?? Couldn't they carry just MY one breakfast item all day?? :-(

I've had 2 in the last 3 days and WOULD have more but again, its hard to get out before 10:30am. Though I might have planned my day around a chick-fil-a breakfast. Yes, I had this plan last night, and yes, luckily it worked out for me today!

Speaking of cravings, I'd really LOVE a coke right now...I'd only drink a little of it, promise. But cravings and having a one year old...its not easy. I can't just go get myself whatever I'd like. Sad times. :-P
I'm currently settling on sparkling apple cider. Nothing like a good ol' coca cola...but at least its sparkly?

And my sleepy head fell asleep in the car on the way home. I was super surprised that I was able to get her out of her carseat and inside and back to sleep on my shoulder. So I just layed on the couch with her on my chest. She moved around a few times, I got her shoes off. I thought surely she'd wake up. But no. So I finally REALLY had to go to the bathroom. I laid out a blanket and put her on the floor. She is STILL sleeping. 1.5 hours after she started her nap in the car. I'm truely amazed. However, I don't think her diaper is going to make it.
Oh well! Happy baby, wet floor is FINE BY ME! :-D

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