Monday, April 4, 2011

The Paci Mystery

So Sam's pacifiers (she had around 8) are all different colors. A few have faces, some dark pink, some light, yellow, green, blue. I like this uniqueness. Because we can get home from the park and I see a paci on the floor and think "oh yeah, she rubbed that all over the park swing, maybe I should wash it now that we're home" I like things clean (hahahaha)

Today her morning nap was quite difficult. Now, when she gets mad in her crib, she throws her pacis overboard. Then she gets a little less mad, wants to sleep, but can't find any pacis. And I haven't seen her fall asleep without a paci in a VERY long time.
So at naptime, I left her awhile, but finally thought I'd go up and try again to rock her to sleep. Well I couldn't find any pacis anywhere. I had put 3 in her bed (and I knew exactly which ones) when I left her and didn't find any in her bed. I looked under the crib and finally found the blue one. Worked like a charm. 2 minutes of rocking and a paci and she was asleep. After I laid her in bed, I looked all over for the other 2 pacis (dark pink ones) and never found either.

I forget about all this after her very nice long nap. I go to get her and she has the same blue paci. We come downstairs and she's playing for about half an hour. When she comes into the kitchen with a dark pink one! No seriously. I KNOW it was up in her bed, I KNOW I couldn't find it, I KNOW it was not with her when we came downstairs, yet half an hour later here it is.

We have a paci mystery in our house....

Update: The other dark pink pacifier reappeared in the front hall about an hour after I wrote this. WEIRD!!

Still missing a yellow pacifier the last few days and a second yellow one since we've moved. And a light pink one but I haven't seen it in months.

Maybe they'll come out of the woodwork today....

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