Saturday, July 16, 2011

Random thoughts from my neck of the woods

Today I have a few pet peeves to talk about but I'll try to sparse it up with some nice things too! And go me for adding some pictures. I take none of the credit for them. I'm no photographer...

1) Our baby boy is jumping as I write! I forgot how fun it was to feel a little baby moving around inside  you. So nice to know he's doing ok in there :-)

2) I really dislike people who can't seem to put their carts in a cart return and instead leave them next to my car or rolling across the parking lot. I am pregnant, with a 1 year old and I manage to put my cart away (every time!) and usually 1-2 others (which by the way is actually really difficult when my kid is still sitting in one of them), so get over your lazy, irresponsible self and be considerate!

3) My husband is amazing. He is rebuilding our upstairs deck (with a bit of a tight deadline) and after being out of town all week, he worked all day today, around going to his boss' celebration. Even after the celebration when I was totally wiped, he helped me get Sam to bed and came out to work again - amazing! So I'm keeping him company, typing this post from our new deck!

4) I think people need to learn to keep their comments to themselves more often. I am quickly learning that its not just that you can't make everyone happy, its pretty much you can't make anyone happy. I'm starting to care a lot less and take everything with a grain of salt. But your comments on how I shouldn't do something when I've already made the decision thats best for me and I can't turn back....not helpful. Thanks. Try being positive. And I'll try to remember that there is only One I'm trying to please.

5) I have a dessert obsession. It's so bad that I'm trying to call chocolate chip cookie dough flavored poptarts a decent snack. I know that many say that I'm pregnant and that's an excuse, but I think 4 brownies, 3 pieces of fudge, 2 cookies, and a bowl of ice cream is a little much for one day. For anyone. I'm pretty sure my arteries are almost clogged. I don't think that's a good thing. Yet somehow I'm still buying supplies to make fudge. I will create some amazing fudge soon. I'm bound and determined. I just wish someone else would help me eat a little...

6) Have you seen my shop's new logo? Check out my website I had some great help from The Creative Professional
I'm really trying to get the ball rolling, so next week, I will be featured on this blog as part of a birthday celebration!
I'm totally willing to give you discounts if you watch my kid while I work! Of course this only works for my local friends :-)

1 comment:

  1. i forget you even have that deck up there! Thats gotta be a tad difficult.. go him! and I'm right there with you on the eating. I've discovered blueberry muffin tops cereal will hit the spot for me though so slowly my blood will start to flow again :-p I think poptarts are totally healthy in this situation!
