Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why we're crazy...

"And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. And they'll know we are Christians by our love."

We seem to be the 'crazy couple' who asks people to be our roommates. Most people wonder why. Well, there are lots of reasons, the rent check isn't bad and I enjoy company. But mostly our reason tends to be the ability to be a witness and example.
I'm not the outgoing type. I'm not an eloquent speaker. You will NOT find me preaching...probably anywhere. But I've made an effort to make my life transparent and what I hope is a good example. I want people to know where I stand and what my beliefs are by how I live, not what I say. I've been aware of the power of my life choices as examples since as early as junior high. I'm by no means perfect, no one is. But the act of asking for forgiveness when I do something wrong is also a powerful example.
My 'slogan' for any leadership position I've been given has been to lead by example. I wasn't the organizer that told everyone what to do and sat back. In fact, I really didn't LIKE being in front of everyone as a leader. I just pitched in with anything and everything. I was the person on the team that went back to pick up trash because it just looked like it needed to be done.
Back to the roommate situation...
I know that we're doing the right thing because a few days ago our roommate came home and started questioning us both on why marriage, why kids. He put his feelings out there and asked why we felt differently. Not that we would never have this kind of conversation with him if he was just a friend and not living with us, but the opportunities arise more often when you share your living space. And he gets to see the day in and day out. And question what crazy person wants a clingy, whiney, poopy child around! Nathan, being the master of words in this house, had quite a few good answers.
And we shared our faith once again. Easily, quietly, in a way that I think hits home more than any sermon on Sunday could.

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